Take off oem/aftermarket parts off new 2019 Alpha One snowmobile
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Ad #4633307
Take off oem/aftermarket parts off new 2019 Alpha One snowmobile
I have several take off parts off a new 2019 Alpha One snowmobile They are:
Factory rear bumper and front bumper
Factory Skis
Factory underside hood/intake parts
Factory Muffler
Factory complete drive chain including sprockets, chain, and related parts
Factory oil tank and drive chain cover
There are about $3100-3200 worth of parts not including tax or shipping above according to my dealer that I confirmed with another dealer. Make an offer!! After several inquires, I'm seeing a trend of guys afraid to make an offer....don't. Name your price. And, no, I do not expect new price offers. Let's go guys!
Also have an aftermarket MBRP:can for Alpha One too. This one, I will take $250 cash.
NIB Ice Age Spindles. Paid $1140. Make an offer.
Pictures shown is of everything above with the exception of factory muffler and NIB ICE AGE spindles that is not shown, but I do have it.
I have several more parts off older 2013-2014 M8 sleds I will list in a separate listing soon
Text my number if interested. No phone calls.
Seller Type:
Private Seller
Alpha One
Snowmobile Item :
Parts & Accessories
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