Horse Breed

Quarter Pony Mare. Gaming pony deluxe.
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Carson, ND
Ad #4927042
26 People Watching
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Quarter Pony Mare. Gaming pony deluxe.

Misty is 17 years old and 13.2 hands and has been my sons youth rodeo horse for the last 4 years. She isn't going to blow the doors off with speed but she does barrels, poles, goats, flag race, keyhole, etc. She has won my son many buckles and is gentle. She is not for total beginners because she likes to prance and jig but she does not do anything dumb or dangerous. She also has been used to move and sort cattle and can trail ride all day. I have lots of videos upon request. She is as sound as can be expected for her age. She is not in shape so we will not be able to let you run her around the barrels or poles. My son outgrew her so she sat all summer. A good home is a must and we will decide if you are the right fit for her. She is very special to us and does not need to leave but I know she can bless another child like she has ours.
Additional Details
Condition: Used
Seller Type: Private Seller
Broken: No
Horse Breed: American Paint,American Quarter
Horse Types: Mares/Dams
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