John Deere 2009 635F header

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John Deere 2009 635F header
35ft header that is in good condition. Poly skid plates are in good shape! Sickle knives and guards are in good shape! Floor has a small hole wore through on it. Auger flighting is bent but can be straightened out and braced. Needs a new drive shaft before it is ready to go to the field. Recently been inspected by local dealership and it needs new fingers in the auger as well. Estimated parts cost is 5000
35ft header that is in good condition. Poly skid plates are in good shape! Sickle knives and guards are in good shape! Floor has a small hole wore through on it. Auger flighting is bent but can be straightened out and braced. Needs a new drive shaft before it is ready to go to the field. Recently been inspected by local dealership and it needs new fingers in the auger as well. Estimated parts cost is 5000
Additional Details
Seller Type:
Private Seller
Combine Separator Hours:
Engine Hours:
Harvester Manufacturer:
Harvesting Equipment Types:
Header Type:
Placed On:
March 25th 2025
Listing Expires On:
April 25th 2025
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