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Shocker Air Receiver Hitch

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Shocker Air Receiver Hitch
I have a new Shocker Air Receiver Hitch for 2-1/2 inch receiver. It has a 12k lb rating max and does come with a 2-5/16 inch ball and a 2 inch ball that is adjustable. I bought it thinking I would use it while at the same time bought a gooseneck shocker air hitch from the same company. I ended up using the gooseneck trailers all the time and would like to buy another gooseneck shocker air hitch, this time with the round tube hitch so I can use both gooseneck styles. $650 CASH. I actually paid more for it at the time but it is my loss, your gain. I would trade for the round tube gooseneck shocker air hitch.
I have a new Shocker Air Receiver Hitch for 2-1/2 inch receiver. It has a 12k lb rating max and does come with a 2-5/16 inch ball and a 2 inch ball that is adjustable. I bought it thinking I would use it while at the same time bought a gooseneck shocker air hitch from the same company. I ended up using the gooseneck trailers all the time and would like to buy another gooseneck shocker air hitch, this time with the round tube hitch so I can use both gooseneck styles. $650 CASH. I actually paid more for it at the time but it is my loss, your gain. I would trade for the round tube gooseneck shocker air hitch.
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Placed On:
February 23rd 2025
Listing Expires On:
March 26th 2025
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