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(12/16 PRICE DROP) Encore Technology Stereo (Model: 9409MO) with Speakers
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Bismarck, ND
Ad #4927733
2 People Watching
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Encore Technology Stereo (Model: 9409MO) with Speakers

This is an older set of speakers and stereo that was "gifted" to me by my late grandparents. I never have and never will use this. There appears to be a vinyl player on top, but I cannot guarantee that it works. This is NOT compatible with bluetooth devices. Features a 3 disc CD player, a 2 track cassette player, AM/FM radio compatibility, and an auxiliary input (I am not 100% sure the input works). Certainly, this device isn't anything special compared to new technology, but it would make a fantastic stereo for a garage, shop, lake, business, or anywhere else.

I am not looking to make a dime of profit, just want to give these a new home instead of throwing them away! Get your hands on these today! Just send an offer and/or message.

Send me an offer today! Check out the other listings on my page for even better deals!
Additional Details
Condition: Used
Seller Type: Private Seller
Type of Home Audio/Video: Home Stereo
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